Layoff Planning: What You Need to Know

Layoff Planning: What You Need to Know

Layoff planning can be complicated. Sometimes layoffs are months in the making; other times they need to happen quickly. And many companies don’t consider the “after” in their planning, which can be equally if not more important for your business continuity. With all...
INTOO’s 2022 Year in Review

INTOO’s 2022 Year in Review

2022 began with the end of The Great Resignation. While that trend faded, engagement continued to suffer with “quiet quitting.” Some companies found that they’d overhired in response to pandemic trends, and had to course-correct with layoffs. While we’ve all learned...
How to Support Remaining Employees After a Layoff

How to Support Remaining Employees After a Layoff

Layoffs can create fear and doubt among employees, lower morale, and reduce their trust in you as an employer. You may wonder how to support remaining employees after a layoff and keep them engaged. How can you motivate your workforce and maintain loyalty after their...