Change & Its Impact on Employees

Change is an inevitable and constant aspect of any organisation’s journey towards growth and success. Whether it be technological advancements, organisational restructuring, or shifts in market dynamics, change has the potential to disrupt routines and create uncertainty in the workplace.

It is crucial therefore for organisations to understand that change not only affects processes and systems but, more importantly, it impacts the employees who are at the heart of these organisations. Recognising and effectively managing the impact of change on employees is essential for maintaining productivity, engagement, and overall well-being.

There are many, many change models in existence and all will have relevant applications in the real world. That said, too many overlook the importance of the employees as a critical part of the process…. often to the detriment of the organisation as a whole.

In order to support with your change activity, INTOO suggest asking the following questions prior to the commencement of any change process.

  1. Understanding the Nature of Change – What’s driving the change and how far will its impact be felt? What will remain and what will need to be discarded? Is everyone clear about the future?
  2. Recognizing the Emotional Impact – How are people reacting to change and what is the organisation doing to support them?
  3. Communication – Who needs to understand the change, by when and how? Are the current communication channels effective and can people link the grand vision to their day-to-day activities? Is communication two-way?
  4. Supporting Employees through Transition – How will people at all levels and in all roles be supported? Who is ensuring that those leading the change are equipped to do so? How will those displaced as a result of change be supported after redundancy?
  5. Managing Resistance and Overcoming Challenges – How can you ensure that employees across the organisation are aligned to the change and supportive of it? What are the mechanisms to ensure full ‘buy-in’ to the future organisational landscape?
  6. Building a Resilient, Agile & Committed Workforce – What can be done to build skills across the organisation that makes change easier to discuss, implement and sustain? Are people clear about what these changes mean for their career in the short, medium and long term? If not, how can these career conversations be facilitated – good people are hard to come by and disruption can act as a catalyst for departure?

There are many, many other aspects to be considered alongside these however ensuring that employees, regardless of their role in the company are aware of, aligned to and participate in the change will significantly enhance the overall chance of success. Get this part right and much of the remainder will be more straightforward.

Click here for further reading on workforce transformation and more…
