Forbes: Successful Change Management: 6 Surprising Reasons People Resist Change And How To Motivate Them To Embrace It Instead

One of the most difficult parts of any change effort is obtaining buy-in from employees. The worry, unease or extra effort required following any change programme can result in a wave of push-back or scepticism from employees about the change and it’s value.

However, the reasons people resist change are often not about the changes themselves, but rather the implications of the change.

The most effective change management requires an understanding of the root-cause issues driving resistance, which may not always be the reasons you would expect.

In this Forbes article, Tracy Brower details six surprising reasons why people may resist change.

To read the full article, follow this link:

Brower, T. (2020) “Successful Change Management: 6 Surprising Reasons People Resist Change And How To Motivate Them To Embrace It Instead”. Forbes, (16/02/2020)
