Losing a job is deeply shocking and is often one of life’s most stressful events. It is a loss of livelihood, but the emotional impact goes beyond financial stress. It is the impact of job loss on our sense of self that is most significant.
However, for all that is painful about losing a job, it can present us with an unexpected chance to re-think what we want and who we are and start building a path towards a job more enlivening than the one you lost.
To do this, we must first deal with the emotional response to losing a job. Detailed in Harvard Business Review, research has found that those who successfully created new futures for themselves tended to move through their grief and growth in three phases.
Read the full article here: https://hbr.org/2020/04/making-sense-of-the-future-after-losing-a-job-you-love
Maitlis, S. (2020) “Making sense of the future after losing a job you love”. Harvard Business Review, (30/04/2020)