Redundancy is an unfortunate feature of modern working life. It’s now commonplace and something that increasing numbers of employees can expect to experience as businesses continually change and adapt. That said, the impact of redundancy on an individual remains significant, and is still considered a taboo subject that employees often choose to hide, rather than discuss.
Immediate concerns around financial security are a natural reaction for individuals affected by redundancy. Equally however, people can be impacted by deeper emotional challenges surrounding self-perception, self-confidence and how others will perceive them, all of which can significantly impact on an individual’s ability to successfully move forward. People worry over their skills and future employability, and feelings of isolation are not uncommon as their status, community and sense of belonging are stripped away.
Many employers understand the personal impact of redundancy and proactively look to support their employees by making services such as ‘outplacement support’ available to them. They see it as part of their corporate social responsibility towards loyal employees; ensuring that the challenges that lie ahead are mitigated to a degree. They also understand that investing in this type of support also accrues additional organisational benefits.
Download our free booklet below, which outlines how INTOO’s Outplacement services can help you to support your employees and protect your brand.