With the Christmas period on a lot of minds, it is no surprise that the productivity of your staff often leaves something to be desired at this time of the year. New research has found that 53% of UK staff admitted that their productivity levels wane in the run-up to Christmas, with more than half reducing the amount of work they complete on or before 14th December. And this figure will only increase the closer we get to the Christmas break, with 75% of UK staff scaling back their efforts at work by December 18th.
So what can you do for your business to minimise the impact the ‘Christmas slump’ has on your staff? This article featured in HR Grapevine includes exclusive top tips that business professionals can use to keep their staff engaged.
Read the full article here: https://www.hrgrapevine.com/content/article/2020-12-11-why-today-might-be-the-last-day-of-productive-working-for-staff.
Parrott (2020) “Today is when staff productivity implodes. Why?”. HR Grapevine, (11/12/2020)