According to the Telegraph, Imposter Syndrome is “a mixture of anxiety and a persistent inability to recognise one’s own success”, causing people to believe that they should not be in their role and could be caught out at any moment. Though both men and women are...
Research states that companies with higher ethnic and gender diversity rates have a higher likelihood of generating more revenue than other organisations in their industry. Do you take this into account when considering your leadership style? Within this article, the...
Simple systems hardly exist anymore. Almost everything has a complex causality that requires a certain combination of skills and belief systems to lead the creation of value with no strict set of rules to follow, leadership included. The traditional skill-set of...
We’ve all come across ‘great leaders’, people who just seem to ‘get it right’ all of the time. Whether that’s ensuring that an organisation achieves and surpasses its objectives; maintaining employee morale in both the good times and the bad or creating environments...
The Mayor of Berlin is actively looking to attract UK software developers to her city. Sensing an opportunity to capitalise on the uncertainty surrounding Brexit, tech start-ups in that city are receiving crash courses in how to encourage the very best UK based...