Uncertain Brexit, uncertain career, uncertain future

Uncertain Brexit, uncertain career, uncertain future

Research from the Institute of Directors shows a surge in UK companies seeking to move some part of their UK operations abroad due to Brexit. Regardless of where you stand over the issue of the UK’s place in Europe these are worrying figures with 29% of those...
Will TUPE always be a nightmare for HR?

Will TUPE always be a nightmare for HR?

Mention the word “TUPE” to any HR team and watch their reaction: a pursing of the lips, a deep breath and a sigh as they recall past experiences. However, TUPE is not going away. In fact, with increased outsourcing, mergers, acquisition and competitive tender...
The TUPE Obstacle Course

The TUPE Obstacle Course

Registration and breakfast: 8.30 am Seminar begins: 9.00 am Seminar ends: 10.30 am followed by refreshments and networking Venue: 10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AF According to the most recent Government statistics,”There are currently between 26,500 and...