As we continue our path out of lockdown, UK employers are facing very different challenges, which will inevitably result in some form of business change. Predominately these ‘drivers’ can be categorised as review and restructure and accelerated growth. Whilst these...
Having highly engaged employees in your business is a positive thing, right? Actually – it’s not always that simple. Although it’s true that there are positives to high engagement levels – greater productivity, quality of work and employee...
Senior leaders are often responsible for the ongoing continuity of their business, and they generally have access to more lines of communication than anyone else – so why do problems sometimes go amiss? Sometimes, this information that flows to them can be...
The latest data from the Office for National Statistics has found nearly a third of UK adults are suffering from loneliness in the latest lockdown. In the current climate, the majority of employees only interact with each other virtually, and with remote work likely...
Mental ill health has become a huge problem for employees during the Covid-19 pandemic, with mental disorders accounting for 41% of all diagnosed fit notes issued, compared with a pre-lockdown 12 month average of 35%. Employee mental health and wellbeing has always...