Leadership Development Training & Programs

Whether stepping into their first leadership role or motivated to enhance existing skills, leadership training can help your leaders gain the confidence and authenticity needed to lead with purpose and impact for lasting success within your organization.

A male leadership coach speaks with two female leaders

Leadership Development Training with INTOO

Only 1 in 4 employees say they have many opportunities for growth in their current roles1. Employees who lack opportunities to move and grow within your organization will likely move on to external opportunities within a few years.

Investing in the potential for your workforce to improve or acquire new skills—and to move about your organization both laterally and vertically—creates an environment where employees feel inspired to grow their careers with you.

INTOO offers a variety of leadership training courses, coaching, and workshops tailored to the needs of leaders at the beginning of their journey as they take on new responsibilities, all the way through to executive leaders who are looking to raise the bar even further. Our programs support both focused skill development and broader development goals.

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60% of employees say opportunities for learning and development are a key driver for engagement.2

INTOO’s Leadership Development Program Offerings

Support your workforce with guidance at key touch points throughout the employee lifecycle.

Leadership training

Emerging Leaders: High-potential professionals and junior managers discover and refine their natural leadership style and learn essential coaching skills to help them strengthen relationships and manage effectively through collaboration. Learn more about this program here.

Management Foundations: Accelerate the transition into management—particularly for those who have not previously received formal training—by equipping them with the core skills, tools, and techniques they need to become more confident leaders who inspire and motivate their teams to achieve and deliver results. Learn more about this program here.

Leadership Excellence: The second part of our management training supports those who attended Management Foundations as well as more experienced managers who want to further develop their ability to coach and support others or improve how they lead through change. Learn more about this program here.

Leadership coaching

Professional Coaching: Using powerful questioning, active listening, and intuitive guidance techniques, INTOO supports professional development at the individual level. Expert coaches are matched to each professional to foster a strong coaching relationship that quickly builds a sense of trust to create a meaningful and productive coaching experience.

Executive Coaching: INTOO’s bespoke Executive Coaching programs address a range of development goals—whether through general ongoing development or support for a focused interest. Our custom programs enable executives to determine the development areas they’d like to explore with their coach as well as the frequency of their sessions. 

Flow Coaching: Executives can improve focus, reduce stress, and increase clarity through flow coaching. This neuroscience-based coaching program guides executives on how to build and lead high-performing teams while creating more balance in their own lives. Flow coaching includes team observation and assessments in order to provide leaders with a prescriptive framework for positive change within their team.

Peak Performance Leadership Coaching: Using neuroscience-backed exercises and coaching, the Peak Performance Leadership Coaching program helps executives get more meaning and impact out of work and life. This program consists of ten modules, which include a combination of training and coaching. Success is measured against a baseline assessment of the executive at the start of the program which covers seven criteria of work satisfaction and wellness, the goals the individual wants to achieve, and the blockers in the way of progress.

    Leadership workshops

    Group Flow: Achieving a flow state within your team or cross-functionally enables you to work more effectively and creatively towards shared goals. Learn strategies to ensure projects are set up for success and to foster innovation and reduce distractions.

    Peak Performance: This workshop uses the latest research in neuroscience, individual productivity, and physiology in a practical and approachable way to teach leaders how to feel better and perform better at work. 

    Strengths-Based Team Workshop: Designed to help teams of any makeup unlock their full potential and achieve success, a coach leads the group through a series of interactive exercises to learn how to collaborate and communicate more clearly and build stronger relationships with one another.

    Explore the INTOO outplacement coaching difference.

    A female career coach works with a male manager

    How Leadership Training and Development Can Help Your Business

    • Build employee engagement — It’s no secret that a focus on career advancement for employees can drive retention and satisfaction, but it also offers longer-term benefits: workforce planning, talent attraction and, ultimately, a boost to your employer brand.
    • Advance innovation and productivity — Confident leaders inspire and motivate their teams and colleagues to achieve and deliver results.
    • Grow leaders from within — 3 in 5 employees say their company prioritizes external hires for leadership roles3. Instill the values and skills needed into your employee base to build strong leaders across your organization while preserving valuable internal knowledge.
    • Encourage collaboration — Leaders who embrace their strengths and know how to leverage their unique skill set work more effectively with others.

    Learn why our leadership development programs are trusted by hundreds of organizations around the world

    • Our experienced trainers and coaches have supported leaders from a wide variety of backgrounds in companies of all sizes and our programs are available in 37 languages around the world.
    • Tailored programs are available to support every stage of leadership development—from emerging leaders in the early stages of establishing their leadership styles, to senior executives who want to enhance their performance through mission-driven values.
    • INTOO’s leadership development programs are deeply rooted in comprehensive assessments and are tailored to address leadership competencies, drawing on best practices and insights from prominent methodologies and institutions such as Gallup’s CliftonStrengths assessment, Flow Research, DiSC®, and others.
    • Interactive learning formats are used both in-person and online, including breakout sessions, exercises, and group discussion. Programs leverage a variety of educational mediums in support of diverse learning styles.
    • Practical strategies and exercises provide immediate opportunity for impact. Participants receive workbooks and follow-up materials to help them continue their evolution with a coach or on their own.

    Learn how INTOO can help your employees through workforce transition.