Do Glassdoor Reviews Matter?

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INTOO Staff Writer


Modern job seekers often base their opinions of an organization on the information they find online. Many job search platforms allow people to share their experiences of a company, which can help prospective applicants decide on where to seek employment. In this guide, we focus on the importance of Glassdoor as a candidate experience resource, explaining how its reviews can impact the reputation of your business.

What Are Glassdoor Reviews?

Glassdoor is a popular employee-based online community that individuals can visit to find position listings posted by various organizations. What distinguishes it from other job search sites is that it also features reviews that former and current employees leave about their employers. These reviews can give job seekers insights into the candidate experience offered by a business, such as how they conduct interviews and whether or not constructive feedback is provided to unsuccessful candidates. The site also includes CEO approval ratings, salary reports, and benefits reviews.

Many professionals use Glassdoor to get a transparent look at their potential employers from the unfiltered perspective of the company’s employees and past applicants. A personal account from a former team member can offer insight into an organization’s culture and working conditions that might not be found on its career page. Businesses can receive positive and negative ratings from their employees and former applicants.

Why Glassdoor Reviews Are Important

An organization’s reputation plays a crucial role in its desirability as an employer. Indeed, as a Glassdoor survey recently revealed, 83% of job seekers are wary of working for a company with a poor reputation. With this in mind, the reviews a job seeker finds on Glassdoor can significantly impact how they perceive your business, especially if the ratings are particularly positive or negative. Companies with high ratings on Glassdoor will be seen as reputable employers and make a good first impression on candidates before they submit their applications. A poorly rated organization will develop a bad reputation that can push job seekers away from applying.

Can companies remove Glassdoor reviews?

A poorly rated business on Glassdoor may wish to remove the reviews from the site to improve its reputation. However, there are only specific situations where an organization may flag a review to be deleted by the site. Companies can report reviews that do things like reveal confidential information to the public, contain profanity, and address people by name outside of C-suite positions. Employers may also take legal action against the site, though this option may result in negative press and a waste of resources.

Remember that a negative rating isn’t enough justification for removing a review from Glassdoor. Thankfully, there are other actions companies can take to change their reputation on the site. Improving candidate experience and creating positive workplace conditions can lead to improved ratings from applicants and employees.

Five stars superimposed over an image of a woman in a t-shirt using her cell phone, representing leaving a company reviewHow to Get More Reviews on Glassdoor

Prompt applicants during the hiring process

Businesses can ask people to write a voluntary review of their experience with the brand as part of the onboarding process. You can mention leaving a review to applicants in an email or in person after an interview. Receiving more ratings from applicants’ perspectives will show fellow job seekers what the current candidate experience is like. The reviews can also help employers see if their hiring process needs to be improved.

Ask current employees to post a review

Your current team members are excellent sources of testimonials about your company. Managers may ask employees to leave a review during monthly or yearly meetings. You can even send a mass email suggesting they rate your organization on Glassdoor. The ratings left by current employees can show if there are recent complaints or concerns that can be quickly addressed.

Make your Glassdoor profile easily accessible

If your Glassdoor page can be accessed from your website, then it will help employees and job seekers quickly navigate to where they may post a review. A link to your profile on Glassdoor and a call to action to leave a rating may also be added to your career page to show candidates you welcome the feedback.

Glassdoor reviews can be very influential. They can impact everything from a business’s hiring efforts to their overall reputation. Positive reviews have the potential to attract top-tier talent to your organization. On the other hand, negative reviews that suggest your company do not offer positive candidate experiences can lead to a poor candidate response, or even a complete lack of applications. Here at INTOO, we offer scalable, cost-effective candidate experience solutions. Designed to establish your reputation as a high quality employer, our solutions can have a direct effect on the Glassdoor reviews individuals that interact with your business leave. To learn more, contact us today to find out how our Candidate Care solutions can enhance your candidate experience.

INTOO Staff Writer

INTOO staff writers come from diverse backgrounds and have extensive experience writing about topics that matter to the HR and business communities, including outplacement, layoffs, career development, internal mobility, candidate experience, succession planning, talent acquisition, and more.

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