Career Wellness Is More Important Than Ever

Career Wellness Is More Important Than Ever

Wellness topics such as stress management, financial wellbeing, physical health, and others as they relate to work life have come into focus. Both employees and the unemployed are familiar with the frequent struggles to balance priorities, find time for what’s...
What Is Redundancy in the Workplace?

What Is Redundancy in the Workplace?

Redundancy in the workplace refers to roles, responsibilities, or positions within a company that are no longer vital to operations. This occurs when certain jobs are no longer adding value or teams are restructured in a way that makes specific roles obsolete or...
How Do You Deal with Company Reorganization?

How Do You Deal with Company Reorganization?

The unstable economy has prompted employers nationwide to re-evaluate their organizational structures. This means we can expect to see more company reorganizations across the map, with some businesses closing plants and offices and others filing for bankruptcy. In the...
How to Lay Off Employees

How to Lay Off Employees

Notifying employees of their layoff or termination is considered to be one of the most difficult tasks in business. Not only is the process riddled with potential legal landmines, but delivering what is often life-changing news to a colleague unearths feelings of...