Due to changes in shopping habits, overhiring, poor growth predictions, economic conditions, and other direct and indirect forces, retail layoffs have been spreading through the industry, from online shops to big box stores. The layoffs have affected corporate...
This month has been a tumultuous time for HR professionals. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many HR leaders have had to abruptly shift focus, from acquiring talent in a tight job market to considering—or even conducting—unexpected reductions in force. Layoffs are...
Career transitions are rarely easy, but they are often especially tough for senior executives. As The Economist puts it, “There’s something about being at the top that can make the process even more uncomfortable and with even higher stakes to boot.” For one, many...
Being fired or laid off is never a pleasant experience, but oneof the biggest concerns that an employee in this situation has is finding a newjob right away. This is where virtual outplacement comes in. Essentially, outplacementservices can mitigate the negative...